Create Your Vermont Itinerary
As you plan your Vermont vacation, itineraries can help you make the most of your experience. Whether you’re planning a weekend getaway or a week-long immersive trip, your days in Vermont can be as full or unplanned as you like. Itineraries featuring accessible adventure, historic downtowns, outdoor recreation, and Vermont’s unique regions make great starting points as you plan your trip.
What Do You Do With 72 Hours in Vermont?
There’s a lot you can do with just three days in Vermont. Whether you’re planning a slow, restorative long weekend or snapping up midweek openings to experience the Green Mountain State, these regional guides will inspire you to see what’s out there and venture off the beaten path for yourself.
72 Hours in the Woodstock-Quechee Region
Read More about 72 Hours in the Woodstock-Quechee RegionItinerary
72 Hours in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom
Read More about 72 Hours in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom

From the Trailhead to the Summit
A Long Weekend in Stowe
Join outdoor adventurer Tyrhee Moore for a long weekend in Stowe, where he paddles at the Waterbury Reservoir, discovers Vermont’s world-class craft beer scene, and learns how to mountain bike at Trapp Family Lodge.
Itineraries by Train
Two Amtrak train lines connect Vermont to the rest of the country, stopping in walkable downtowns throughout the state. Explore Vermont’s historic downtowns on foot, bring your bike on the train, or rent a car to spend a long weekend in Vermont via rail.

An Itinerary for Every Body
Wheelchair-Accessible Vermont Adventure
Blogger and wheelchair user Cory Lee tours Vermont for a week of accessible adventure in the fall, from sampling maple syrup and seeing wild birds up close to taking in beautiful waterfall views on accessible trails.
Your Outdoors Itinerary
How much world-class outdoor recreation can you fit into your time in Vermont? From hiking and biking to running, skiing, riding, paddling, and more, Vermont’s outdoor activities are almost limitless.
More Trip Ideas

Vermont’s Welcome Centers
Statewide, Vermont’s visitor centers are welcoming sights, offering information on lodging, dining, and recreation, along with restrooms and Wi-Fi. Many are in scenic settings themselves, such as historic train stations, veterans’ memorials, and more.
Learn More about Vermont’s Welcome Centers