Getting Around

You Can Get Here From There
Public Transportation
There’s a wide variety of ways to get around Vermont once you’re here. Whether you drove here or choose to rent a car when you arrive, a scenic drive is a great way to get around and maximize sightseeing as you get from place to place. Walkable downtowns mean so much to see, sample, and explore within walking distance, and rail trails connecting downtowns extend walking and cycling range. Trains that connect Vermont to the rest of the country also stop within Vermont, and for those who choose to through-hike, the 272-mile Long Trail extends from Vermont’s border with Massachusetts to its border with Canada.

Buses Through Vermont
Take the Bus
Many Vermont towns have buses that operate both within the town and on connecting networks to other regions. Green Mountain Transit, Tri-Valley Transit, Moover, Marble Valley Regional Transit, Rural Community Transportation, and the Green Mountain Express offers service that ultimately stitches Vermont together. Additionally, many ski areas offer shuttles from the resort into the town, and some are even free.

Taxis in Vermont
Many Vermont downtowns offer taxi services from individual companies. It’s a good idea to call ahead to be sure a ride will be available when you want one, especially if you’re arriving late at night or early in the morning. Many larger downtowns, including Brattleboro, Stowe, Burlington, and Manchester, have drivers for rideshare services like Uber and Lyft as well.
More Modes of Travel
Recreation Paths and Rail Trails
Recreation Paths and Rail TrailsLamoille Valley Rail Trail
Lamoille Valley Rail TrailTravel by Train
Travel by Train

Trip Planning is Easier with a Guide
Start planning for a memorable Vermont vacation with a free planning packet, including a road map (perfect for your glove box), an inspiration guide featuring some of the best things to do in the Green Mountain State, and information on scenic byways, food and farms, state parks, and more.
Order Your Guide about Trip Planning is Easier with a Guide