
Miles of Maintained Trails
Snowmobile Vermont
With a well-marked trail system linking towns together, readable maps, and easy access to amenities, Vermont rolls out the white carpet for snowmobilers. Zip through mountains, forest, and farmland, exploring vast, picturesque trails that showcase the state’s winter beauty and provide an unforgettable experience. There are plenty of places to stop along the way for fuel and rest, and the trail system is easily navigable by waterproof map and smartphone.
Where to Snowmobile
Vermont is a true snowmobiling state, with trails that run north to south and east to west, making it easy to access the entire state on your sled. Here are a few of the many destinations for snowmobilers.
Island Pond
Referred to as the “snowmobiling capital of Vermont,” the Island Pond area in northern Vermont has hundreds of miles of snowmobile trails that branch out from the heart of the town.
Read More about Island PondLearn MoreVermont State Parks
Some Vermont State Parks offer snowmobiling trail access throughout the winter. Coolidge, Elmore, Green River Reservoir, Little River, New Discovery, Ricker Pond, and Woodford state parks are recommended for snowmobilers.
Read More about Vermont State ParksLearn MoreLamoille Valley Rail Trail
New England’s longest rail trail connects 18 communities on 93 miles from St. Johnsbury to Swanton, maintained by Vermont Association of Snow Travelers for snowmobilers.
Read More about Lamoille Valley Rail TrailLearn More

Vermont Association of Snow Travelers
VAST maintains almost 5,000 miles of snowmobiling trails in Vermont and stewards programming surrounding the sport, including up-to-date smartphone maps, licensing, and trip planning.
Learn More about Vermont Association of Snow TravelersSince 1967, Vermont has maintained a network of more than 5,000 miles of winter snowmobile trails.
Riding Resources
From VAST memberships to trail information, here’s what you need to know to ride your snowmobile in Vermont.
Vermont Regulations
Read More about Vermont RegulationsLearn More

Buns on the Run
A Hot Dog Truck on the Trail
Stop on snowmobiling trails in the Northeast Kingdom and you might be lucky enough to run across Kendyl’s Buns on the Run, serving up hot dogs for snowmobilers.

Private Landowners Make It Work
Vermont Association of Snow Travelers stewards relationships with private landowners that allow trails to continue uninterrupted through the Green Mountains. About 80% of Vermont’s snowmobile trails are privately owned, indicating strong public support for the sport, and those good relationships sustain snowmobiling culture for the future.
Learn More about Private Landowners Make It Work

Snow Traveler’s Guide to Vermont
The Vermont Association of Snow Travelers trail system offers lots of opportunities to refuel, recharge, stay, and eat along the trail system.
Read the Guide about Snow Traveler’s Guide to Vermont